Sexual Health Clinics
Confidential Support When You Need It
Sexual Health Clinics provide support to people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. We can provide reliable sexual health information about:
- Emergency contraception
- Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) testing and treatment
- At-cost Birth Control
- Pregnancy Testing and Options counselling
- Hepatitis A and B vaccination
- HPV vaccination
- Needle exchange
- Mpox vaccine information
Clinic information, locations and hours
You do not need a health card at our Sexual Health Clinics, except for some Physician-led Clinic services. STI testing and treatments are free for you and your partner(s). All services are confidential. We require your written or verbal permission before sharing any information with another health care provider.
Find clinic locations and times below. You will need to book an appointment at a Physician-led Clinic if you:
- Need Cervical Cancer Screening (Pap test)
- Want to switch Birth Control methods or have issues with your current medication
- Would like and IUD/IUS inserted or removed
St. Thomas Sexual Health Clinic
Southwestern Public Health - St. Thomas Site
1230 Talbot Street, St. Thomas
519-631-9900 ext. 1278
Physician-Led Clinic | Nurse-Led Clinic Hours |
Days and times vary, please contact us for availability
Appointments required Book online using the link below or you can |
Clinic Hours Mondays - 9AM-1:00PM, Drop-In, no appointment necessary. Wednesdays - By Appointment ONLY, please call to book. Fridays - 9AM-3:00PM, Drop-In, no appointment necessary, Closed for lunch from 12:00-1:00PM
Evening Hours -By Appointment ONLY First Wednesday of the month - 4:00PM-6:30PM Call 519-631-9900 ext 1278 to book an appointment or book online using the link below. *If you are seeking emergency contraception, |
Woodstock Sexual Health Clinic
Southwestern Public Health - Woodstock Site
410 Buller Street, Woodstock
519-421-9901 OR 1-800-922-0096 ext. 3490
By Appointment Only | Physician-Led Clinic |
Mondays 1:15PM-4PM Alternate Wednesdays Late Clinic 1:15PM-6PM
Appointments required |
Clinic dates and times vary, Please call for more information Appointments required
*Please call us ASAP if you are seeking emergency contraception or if a partner has named you as a contact of an STI.* |
Book Online - Woodstock Site
Need More Support?
Use these other resources if you have a sexual health concern or want to learn more:
- Talk to your health care provider
- Call Health 811 by dialing 811.
- Visit Sexual Health Ontario
Mpox Vaccine Information
Southwestern Public Health has a limited number of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) vaccines available for people who are at highest-risk of exposure to Mpox.
Elgin-St. Thomas Mpox PrEP Vaccine Information
Call 519-631-9900
Oxford Mpox PrEP Vaccine Information
Call 519-421-9901
Vaccine Eligibility Criteria |
**Travel is not a part of the eligibility criteria at this time** a) Two-spirited, non-binary, trans- or cis-gender, intersex, or gender-queer individuals who self-identify or have sexual partners who self-identify as belonging to the gay, bisexual, pansexual, and other men who have sex with men (gbMSM) community AND at least one of the following:
b) Individuals who self-identify as engaging in sex work or are planning to, regardless of self-identified sex or gender. Immunosuppressed household or sexual contacts of those who are eligible, and pregnant household or sexual contacts may also now be considered for PrEP vaccine as well. Call 1-800-922-0096 to speak with someone if you have recently been exposed to a confirmed or probable case and identify as a high-risk contact. Given the current epidemiology in Ontario, Imvamune should be offered as a two-dose primary series, with at least 28 days between first and second doses for individuals currently eligible for pre-exposure or post-exposure vaccination. |