Weather Alerts
Weather alerts are issued during periods of extreme heat or cold weather that may have an impact on an individuals health. When Environment Canada issues weather alerts for Oxford County, Elgin County and the City of St. Thomas. Southwestern Public Health (SWPH) issues cold weather warnings when the temperature is forecasted to reach -15°C without windchill and/or -20°C with the windchill. Weather alerts are posted to our social media channels. Extreme heat and cold weather alerts are posted on the SWPH website and social media channels, and are distributed to local media, child care providers and other community partners. The purpose of weather alerts is to notify communities to take appropriate precautions and to open heating and cooling centres.
For extreme heat and cold weather alerts, please follow SWPH on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
You can also subscribe to Environment Canada's Weather Alerts.
Southwestern Public Health (SWPH) issues cold weather warnings when the temperature is forecasted to reach -15°C without windchill and/or -20°C with the windchill. Weather alerts are posted to our social media channels.